YES, you can

According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that seem right? That means to the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.
— Jerry Seinfeld


The fear of speaking in public is exceptionally common and taps into some of our primal fears: the fear of being judged, the fear of failure, the fear of rejection and ultimately not being worthy of love and belonging. I remember myself, the night before my first self-development workshop, I was so anxious I vomited. It is natural that public speaking can trigger anxiety. Some people are more resilient to stress and anxiety than others, but almost all of us have to face it when it comes to speak in front of an audience. 

So what can you do about it?

To effectively reduce speech anxiety, it's essential to first understand its underlying causes. Once you've gained this understanding, targeted training can help create a gap between the trigger and the onset of anxiety, enabling better self-control and self-regulation.

During a breakthrough coaching session, I will then guide you through techniques for brain-rewiring and stress reduction, including:

  1. Inducing Parasympathetic Mode: Learn how to activate the parasympathetic nervous system before your speech using various vagus nerve regulation techniques.

  2. EFT-Tapping: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for anxiety reduction.

  3. Self-Hypnosis: Discover how self-hypnosis can calm your nerves and enhance your confidence.

  4. Breathing Techniques: Master breathing exercises to manage anxiety and stay grounded during your speech.

  5. Somatic movement: Use physical techniques to release tension and improve your posture and body language for confidence

  6. Mindful visualization: Harness the power of visualization to mentally prepare and boost your confidence before speaking.

Shannon gave me a safe place where I could express and dig into my fear of speaking. Instead of treating the symptoms, like I had done before, she guided me to the causes with a lot of empathy. We then worked on breathing and vagus nerve regulation practices. Today my anxiety has sharply reduced and not only for public speaking!
— Charlotte Adams

Ready to release your public speaking anxiety and step into newfound confidence?


Wondering how this works and whether you can actually change? (Clue: you can) I use a science-backed proven method to rise through your fears and find grounded self-confidence to get you one step closer towards where you want to be.

  • Part 1 of the session involves identifying the triggers of your fear and anxiety, and specifically the thought patterns that leave you tense, anxious and worried. We then develop personalized mindset reframes to use after the session. (You will receive an accompanying workbook)

  • Part 2 of the session is practical and involves two specific techniques to regulate your central nervous system to find greater calm. Those two techniques are breathwork and emotional freedom technique (also known as EFT tapping). You will receive a digital products as a bonus (see below).

  • Oftentimes due to our fear of public speaking we avoid opportunities to practice. The only trouble is, this actually increases our anxiety. In part 3 of the session we create an action plan that helps you to create sustainable change! Ready?


After your breakthrough session you will receive the recording, a guided work book and 3 additional bonuses to make sure that your transformation lasts.


Total price: $250